Friday, May 11, 2012

Mulberry Fail

So, I keep talking about how I've been wanting to pick mulberries and make a cobbler. Last night Charlie and I took Micah and Maverick (baby & dog) to the local mulberry tree and picked enough. You can see by the pictures below that we had a great selection!

Now here's where you find out that I can sometimes be a girly-girl. I started soaking the mulberries in water so that any bugs would come out of them... 

And I started to notice dozens, then HUNDREDS of teeny tiny bugs rising to the top of the water, crawling all over the bowl and making it to my countertop. If you look closely two pictures up, you'll see the rim of the bowl covered with little specks. Those are nasty, gross bugs. I couldn't handle the thought of ANY of them ending up in my cobbler, so I did what any other bug-hating gal might do.
I threw them outside. 

Fail. Charlie was upset that I didn't make the cobbler and that I made him pick mulberries with no treat at the end, BUT we did have a good time walking in the beautiful evening weather. Even he agreed with that. Would you have cooked those mulberries after seeing all the bugs come out of them? I'm just curious. I know that obviously people do, but I could not!


  1. I would have soaked in salt water to kill the bugs and still used the berries. That is what we do with mushrooms.

    1. I really should have... They just grossed me out.
