Thursday, May 10, 2012


Recently I have been learning a lot about managing my time, and though blogging is just one more thing to add to the to-do list, it will be worth it. I've noticed that all the blogs I follow are hosted by women who are just like me - trying to make each day and penny count while loving their spouses and children well. What has made them different from me is that they post everything they do, have people who read about their lives, and know that they have readers expectingly awaiting the next post.

Hence, these women have accountability.

There are so many recipes I've been wanting to share, crafts I've been wanting to make, and things I've been wanting to do. I think by finally creating a blog and committing to posting each week as it happens will force me to keep living with purpose. The time spent documenting the days of my life will ultimately save my family money as I find what recipes, ideas, etc. work well for us.

Also, I hope to gain wisdom from my readers. Lately God has been teaching me to steward my time, money, skills and possessions well. I will be posting about those things but would love to hear from you as well about how you have grown in those areas.

I'm excited to get my nice camera out and start taking more pictures of the things I love to do! Thanks for reading yet another blog. :)

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